Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa is coming! Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a bagel breakfast, have pictures with Santa, sing-a-long with the puppets, and work on fun Christmas crafts, as well. Don't miss this exciting event! Our coat drive was so successful last year, we're continuing the tradition this year. For every new or gently-used coat you donate, you'll receive a raffle entry ticket! Admission is free, but registration is REQUIRED. Register at www.tinyurl.com/APsantasignup. You are welcome to arrive any time between 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 am. Please talk to Judi Klassen with any questions, or email Santa Breakfast.
Volunteers are also needed to help with setup, cleanup, and running the event. Youth can earn service hours by helping, too. Signup in the narthex, or online at www.tinyurl.com/APsantabagels