Babies & Toddlers

Abiding Presence loves to engage with babies, toddlers and their parents. We want even our youngest worshipers to experience God’s love for them and know that they are special part of our church community. When we say, “All are Welcome” we mean all. Our worship is family friendly, which means babies and toddlers can worship, too. Learn more about children in worship here. Michaela, our Children & Family Minister, is always willing to talk with families about how their children can feel at home at Abiding Presence.


Sunday Morning Faith Formation (Sunday School)

Resumes March 9 from 10:05-10:45 a.m.

Babies and their grownups will gather each Sunday for a special Sunday School class just for them. During this time, we will engage our littlest kiddos in faith while supporting their grown-ups. Here we will sing some songs and play. Parents will also have the chance to connect with one another over a cup of coffee. No sign-up required, just come as you are. For more information, contact our Children & Family Minister, Michaela Putnam-Kwon


Sunday Morning Faith Formation (Sunday School)

Resumes March 9 from 10:05-10:45 a.m.

Calling all 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds to join the Toddler Crew Sunday School workshop. This workshop will help engage our littlest kiddos in faith, fun and friendship. We will sing a song, read a story, pray and play, plus get to see a puppet friend! This is a drop-off class, so please sign-up your little one for this workshop opportunity. Parents are welcome to stay with little ones who may be hesitant to be left on their own. We do ask that a parent/guardian remain on the church premises during the Education Hour, while your young one is participating in this workshop experience.

Registration is open now! While pre-registration isn’t required, it helps us out with planning and means you can jump right into the fun when you arrive. Register using the form here. You only need to fill out the form once per school year. For more information, contact our Children & Family Minister, Michaela Putnam-Kwon


Wednesdays March 5 through May 21*
10:30-11:30 a.m. in Bailey Hall

*No class on April 16 (FCPS Spring Break)

Mainly Music is back at Abiding Presence! We had an incredible time singing, dancing, and playing with all our Mainly Music families this past year and we are thrilled to continue the fun this fall. Mainly Music is geared for children birth through pre-K and their parent or caregiver. It is a chance for grownups and their kids to interact with one another and others through songs and movement. Each week we will have a 30-minute music session followed by a time for snack, free play and making new friends.

If FCPS is cancelled or delayed for weather, Mainly Music is cancelled. Watch our Facebook page to stay up to date.

Upcoming Events