"Church Popcorn"

Our annual beach vacation always includes a visit to what our family refers to as "Beach Church." "Beach Church" isn't actually church on the beach. In fact, it's a regular ELCA congregation much like ours with a sanctuary, Sunday School classrooms, playground and parking lot. It's located a few blocks from the beach on the main highway. The service, which takes place in their sanctuary, is much like ours. The only thing that is actually "beachy" about it is that we go when we are at the beach!  

As we walked into the main doors, we were warmly welcomed by the greeter, much like I hope guests at Abiding Presence are welcomed. Once inside the sanctuary, we received several more smiles, hellos and welcomes as it was clear that we were not part of the normal crowd who gathered for their Saturday evening service. After the children's sermon, which the pastor added to the beginning of the service just for my two girls as they were the only kids there, we received a bag of microwaveable popcorn. "Thanks for popping by for worship," the kind woman who gave it to us whispered as we made our way back to our seats.  

This popcorn made a HUGE impression on my four year old. In fact, she spent the rest of the service informing me she was hungry and not understanding why we wouldn't eat the not yet microwaved bag of popcorn during the sermon. We've been home a couple of weeks and Nadia still is talking about her "church popcorn," which we finally let her eat this week. 

"Beach Church" made us feel welcome and part of their community in a way that has stuck with us. While we don't have popcorn at Abiding Presence, we do have candy bags. If you haven't seen them, check them out in the back of the sanctuary. They are a fun way for people to learn more about Abiding Presence. 

Above all, smile at people. Say, "Hello!" Tell people you are glad that they are there, especially families with children. Trust me, as a mom I will tell you that getting out the door to church is rarely easy or fun! It take effort. It also takes an equal amount of effort to show up by yourself to church. So, if you see someone sitting alone, make a special point to go over and say hello and welcome to them, too. 

You never know, it could be your smile or welcome that sticks with someone for weeks to come!

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Gather with a Small Group this Fall!

Every week, we come forward and receive a bit of bread and a sip of wine or grape juice.  We call it Communion, the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist…but what do all these names mean?  Why does it matter that we have it?  Is it just because it’s tradition, the way we’ve always done it?  And why do we have it every week?   

Maybe you’ve wondered about these same questions.  Maybe you grew up in a tradition that celebrated Communion differently and you wonder why we at Abiding Presence do it this way.  Maybe you grew up Lutheran but don’t quite recall those long-ago confirmation days and what Luther said about Communion in the Small Catechism.  Maybe you don’t even really know all that much about Luther and have never heard of a Small Catechism!  Don’t feel too bad if that’s the case because prior to joining the Lutheran church, I would have said yes to both of the previous questions!  (Even after attending Luther College!)

These are some of the questions many of us have had and which we’ll be exploring together in small groups this fall. The small groups will meet at various times at leaders’ homes or at the church for five weeks to listen, share and reflect.  We’ll explore the what, why and how but also the bigger question:  What difference does Holy Communion make for our everyday lives?

Specific small group times and places will be announced in September and sign-up sheets will be available in the narthex and on our website.  This will be our 2nd small group experience at Abiding Presence; our 1st was during Lent this past year and we had over 50 people participate in 6 small groups!  Unlike Lent, this experience will not require reading a book…all you will need to do is show up! 

So sign up and try it out for 5 weeks and experience how God shows up when we gather around the table!


Pastor Heidi

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Extending Jesus' Table Into a Hungry World

According to Fairfax County Schools, approximately 28 percent of students qualify for free and reduced-price meals.  That’s more than 1 in 4 students in our area whose families struggle to buy enough nutritious food to feed everyone.  Members of food insecure families worry about running out of food in their cupboards before their next paycheck and some even resort to eating less so that everyone in the family can be fed. 

How are we called to respond?

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Participate in Worship in a New Way!

Worship.  What images does that word bring to mind for you?  What words, what associations? 

Some of us may think about our favorite part of worship: the music, receiving communion, the prayers, or maybe, just maybe, even the sermon sometimes!

How do you see yourself, your purpose, your role in worship?  Is worship something we attend, like a concert or a play? Or is it something more?

Liturgy, the fancy word for worship, is a Greek word that means “the work of the people,” or “public service.”  Worship is not a passive activity but a gathering in which we all participate, we all have a role, whether it’s as a greeter, an usher, singing in the pews or up front, playing an instrument, lighting the candles, washing the communion ware or reading scripture. 

This fall, we will have a new opportunity for you to participate in worship at Abiding Presence.  I invite you to consider becoming one of our Assisting Ministers. Each Sunday service, one assisting minister will lead a few prayers, the Apostle’s Creed and will assist with communion. Our goal is to have enough assisting ministers that they would serve about 5 Sundays a year.

As Lutherans, we often speak of the priesthood of all believers, that we are all called to be part of God’s ministry: the hands and feet of God in the world.  Having assisting ministers will be a chance for us to visibly model in our service how we are all called, not just the pastors, to pray, proclaim our faith and serve God and others in our daily lives. 

Please prayerfully consider trying it out and contact Pastor Heidi if you’re interested or have any questions!


Pastor Heidi

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MOPS for Fall 2018

The Abiding Presence MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers...and Infants and Toddlers, too) is now enrolling for the Fall 2018 semester.  While we always have room for new moms to join us, our childcare spots fill quickly so it's best to register early to guarantee a spot for your little one. Check out more information about and registration for our MOPS ministry here.

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Meredith KeseleyFamilies
United Against Hate

As I shared with you a few weeks ago, our brothers and sisters at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Fairfax were recently vandalized. Their sanctuary was desecrated with racial slurs, swastikas and the bold statement, "You are all going to Hell." The cushions on their pews were slashed - every single pew. Glass was broken. Cords to their sound system were cut. Just a year prior similar instances occurred at their neighboring religious institutions the Jewish Community Center and Little River United Church of Christ. All of these religious groups share in common a message to the community of welcome for all people. 

On Wednesday evening Pastor Eickstadt and I participated in the event "United Against Hate: an Interfaith Response to the Words and Actions of toward Bethlehem Lutheran Church." We gathered with members of Bethlehem, religious leaders of numerous faith communities, elected officials and a variety of people from the Fairfax area moved by what had happened. Together we sang, prayed, lit candles and showed a unified front against hate in our community. We prayed for our community and for the perpetrators of the vandalism because, after all, Jesus is clear that we are to pray for our enemies. 

Earlier in the day, I had been talking to someone about my evening plans who remarked, "Really? That kind of hate happens here?" Unfortunately, the answer is that it is does. Further, it is up to us to stand up against it. 

Each worship service before Holy Communion is distributed you hear the invitation, "This is the Lord's Table and all are welcome here." When we say "all" we mean all. All people are welcome to gather around the Lord's Table. All people are welcome to be part of the faith community of Abiding Presence. We are not gatekeepers, but witnesses to a God whose love knows no bounds. Together, let us be a church united against hate so that we can build a community around the church that is united against hate as well. 

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God's Work. Our Hands. - More Hands are Needed!

As the old Sunday School rhyme reminds us,
The church is not a building.
The church is not a steeple. 
The church is not a resting place.
The church is the PEOPLE!

You are the church and as our church seeks to do God's work, we need more hands! Our ministry continues to grow and we need to grow the number of people involved in leadership. Please prayerfully consider serving in one of the following ways:

Sunday School Teachers (Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 a.m.)
Our Sunday School classes are growing by leaps and bounds, and we are adding yet another classroom of kids this fall! Consider volunteering to be a Sunday School teacher this fall!  No previous teaching experience needed, only a love of Christ and helping to share that love with the children at Abiding Presence.  Sunday School starts on September 9, and substitutes are always available if you are out of town.  Please talk to or email Sara Dyson, Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) if you are interested.

Wednesday Night Teachers (Wednesday Evenings from 6:45-7:45 p.m.)
We are looking to reenvision what Wednesday night youth and children programs look like, and I am looking for 2-3 high schoolers or adults who would commit to teaching with me on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. I'll provide the curriculum, guidance, and help, but you'll have the freedom and creativity in the classes. Please talk to Sara Dyson,  Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) to get more information or if you're interested.

To volunteer for the following worship assistant opportunities, contact Pastor Keseley

Time commitment in addition to worship: 15 minutes before and after service
Job: Greet worshipers at sanctuary doors, pass out bulletins prior to the service, collect offering, dismiss people to communion and make sure sanctuary is picked up following service
Who Can Volunteer:  Senior High through Adults; Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together

Time commitment in addition to worship: 15 minutes before service
Job: Greet worshipers at the main church doors
Who Can Volunteer: Anyone with a smile! Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together

Lay Reader
Time commitment in addition to worship: None
Job: Read the assigned lesson which is emailed to you in advance
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults

Communion Assistant
Time commitment in addition to worship: None
Job: Distribute either the pouring chalice or common cup at the time of communion
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults

Altar Guild
Time commitment in addition to worship: Approximately 20 minutes before or after the service
Job: Set up or clean up the altar from Holy Communion
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults; Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together

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ENewsMeredith Keseley
Our Children's Ministry is Growing!

Our children's ministry is expanding and we need YOU to step up to help! We are growing our children's ministry this fall, which means we also need to grow the number of adults and high school youth who are involved in leadership roles. At the moment, there is the need for teachers for two key ministries - Sunday School and Wednesday Night Gathering. Please prayerfully consider how you can support our growing ministry as you read the below requests from our Children and Family Minister, Sara Dyson

Sunday School Teachers (Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 a.m.)
Our Sunday School classes are growing by leaps and bounds, and we are adding yet another classroom of kids this fall! I'm in desperate need of Sunday School teachers, so I ask you to consider the following:

Do you have a passion for children?  Would you consider helping the next generation of kids learn about the love and stories of Christ and explore the Bible?  

Consider volunteering to be a Sunday School teacher this fall!  No previous teaching experience needed, only a love of Christ and helping to share that love with the children at Abiding Presence.  Sunday School starts on September 9, and substitutes are always available if you are out of town.  Please talk to or email Sara Dyson, Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) if you are interested.

Wednesday Night Teachers (Wednesday Evenings from 6:45-7:45 p.m.)
We are looking to reenvision what Wednesday night youth and children programs look like, and I am looking for 2-3 high schoolers or adults who would commit to teaching with me on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. I'll provide the curriculum, guidance, and help, but you'll have the freedom and creativity in the classes. Please talk to Sara Dyson,  Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) to get more information or if you're interested.

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Are You All In?

My 7th grade math teacher had a large banner hanging in her classroom that read, "Math is not a spectator sport!" While math was not necessarily a "sport" in which I loved to participate as a middle school age kid, the sign made quite an impression on me. I often think of that sign and wonder if I can get one for our narthex that reads, "Church is not a spectator sport!" 

The word "liturgy" is the formal name for our worship. It originally comes from two Greek words - work and people. Liturgy is, therefore, the work of the people! It is the work of everyone who gathers together to form the faith community. Because of this meaning, church, especially worship, cannot be a spectator sport! 

As we head into the fall, Pastor Heidi and I are working on ways to engage more people in our worship. As you might recall from our stewardship campaign, this was one of the goals our congregation lifted up heading into 2018. At the moment, we need more people to sign up to volunteer to be ushers, greeters, lay readers, communion assistants and altar guild members. All of these positions are things that are done during the worship service and simply require you to come a few minutes early or stay a few minutes late. At the bottom of this article, you'll find a brief description as to what each job involves. If you're willing to get involved, simply send me an email and I'll get you connected. 

I am especially looking for someone to step up into the volunteer role of "Worship Scheduler." Quarterly, the Worship Scheduler would put together and send out a schedule of volunteers. Weekly, they would look over the schedule prior to Wednesday to make sure that all of our volunteers have agreed to serve and are in place. The time commitment would be about an hour a week with it taking a bit more time once a quarter to get the schedule out. You could do everything at home from the comfort of your computer with an occasional email or phone call back and forth with me and the office staff. If you're reading this thinking, "That's something I could do!" then I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for jumping all in at Abiding Presence to make our worship and liturgy the work of our entire faith community!

Time commitment in addition to worship: 15 minutes before and after service
Job: Greet worshipers at sanctuary doors, pass out bulletins prior to the service, collect offering, dismiss people to communion and make sure sanctuary is picked up following service
Who Can Volunteer:  Senior High through Adults; Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together

Time commitment in addition to worship: 15 minutes before service
Job: Greet worshipers at the main church doors
Who Can Volunteer: Anyone with a smile! Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together

Lay Reader
Time commitment in addition to worship: None
Job: Read the assigned lesson which is emailed to you in advance
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults

Communion Assistant
Time commitment in addition to worship: None
Job: Distribute either the pouring chalice or common cup at the time of communion
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults

Altar Guild
Time commitment in addition to worship: Approximately 20 minutes before or after the service
Job: Set up or clean up the altar from Holy Communion
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults; Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together

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Our Children's Ministry is Growing!

We are excited about the ways are children’s ministry is growing this fall! We will expand the number of children’s Sunday School classes that are offered in response to increasing number of children in the congregation. Additionally, we’re reshaping our elementary school youth groups on Wednesday nights to enable more children to participate in a more hands-on way.

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Meredith Keseley
Thank You to our VBS Volunteers

Wow!  God is amazing! This past week was Rolling River Rampage Vacation Bible School at Abiding Presence and our theme verse was “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you” (Isaiah 43:2).  We opened our doors each day to 130 VBS participants, and over 65 adult and teen volunteers. The children rotated to six stations each day and learned through Rapid Reminders to find Adventure, Acceptance, Joy, Rest, and Peace on the river. To say it was a week filled with love, lots of laughter, fun, and GOD is an understatement!  Though exhausted, I am filled with joy from the faces that I’ve seen, the testaments that I’ve heard, and the total and complete generosity of so many volunteers.  It was our largest VBS to date, but it surpassed every expectation and hope that I had, and flowed seamlessly through the week. God was with us through the rapids this week for sure!

I am truly humbled by the volunteers both adults and teens.  They made this week possible, and couldn’t have happened without them! If you see Michael Hulett, please express your gratitude to him. This is his second year as VBS Director, and he has been working around the clock these past weeks to put together the most amazing VBS program, arriving early, staying late, and rolling with the unexpected punches, all with his two girls along for the ride. Being a VBS Director is not for the faint of heart but Michael is a natural, and I cannot thank him enough for being the director of VBS this year. We are so blessed to have his gifts at Abiding Presence!  Debbie Cockey also stepped up this year as the Assistant VBS Director, and with twin toddlers at her side, has put in an incredible amount of invaluable work and time to help make VBS such a huge success! I also cannot thank all of the station leaders, crew leaders, registration volunteers, “church grandmas”, setup and cleanup folks, and teen volunteers that donated so many hours of their time this week, and in preparation for this week. I am awed to see so many folks step up to the call of needing volunteers. Even going as far as taking a week of “vacation” from work during VBS so that they can help. Please thank all of the volunteers, both teens and adults, if you see them!! It is not the most restful of weeks, but I can only hope that they find it as rewarding as I do.

While Vacation Bible School may have come and gone for 2018, I am stopping to reflect on the amazing church that I am blessed to call home.  This past week has just solidified for me what it means to be “the church” and how much of an impact we as adults and teens can make both in each other’s lives, but also in the lives of all the youth and children in our church and community.  I am so thankful for everyone who helped to make VBS such a huge success!

In Christ,
Sara Dyson

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CoverMeredith Keseley
Summer Choir July 22 and August 26

Tap here for sheet music and downloadable party-by-part practice tracks! All adults AND youth (rising 6th graders and older) are welcome, whether or not you usually participate in choir. No experience necessary and no robes required; simply come on Sunday at 9:45am and sing with us at 10:15am!

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David ChavezMusic
Vacation Bible School Starts on Monday

On Monday morning we will welcome 130 children along with a group of teenage and adult helpers to  Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Abiding Presence. VBS is one of the highlights of our summer experiences. It's a week filled with games, crafts, music, science, Bible stories, prayers and lots of fun. This year we'll be exploring the theme verse, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you." (Isaiah 43:2). 

There's still time to volunteer to help! If you are a rising 7th grade youth or older we could use you assisting at a station or leading a crew of kids around. If you're an adult, we could use you either as a crew leader or as one of our "snack time conversationalists." Contact Sara Dyson,  Children and Family Minister, or Michael Hulett, VBS Director, to volunteer. 

If you aren't able to join us for Vacation Bible School, please hold our VBS ministry in your prayers next week. 

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Investing in Our Youth

What do you get when you put nearly 31,000 Lutheran high school youth and their adult leaders together in a stadium for worship? The answer is a whole lot of communion stations with thousands of communion assistants!

What impacted me the most about our experience last week at the ELCA Youth Gathering, however, wasn't the 31,000 people. Instead, it was the 12 youth and one young adult from Abiding Presence in whose company I was privileged to travel. Here's what I can tell you about the young people of Abiding Presence:

First, we have good youth! We have youth who are passionate, energetic and faithful. The youth of Abiding Presence are funny, compassionate, respectful and kind - to one another, strangers they encounter, new friends they meet while standing in line and to their adult leaders. I genuinely enjoyed being around our youth, even when we were standing outside in a line for over an hour in the sweltering Houston heat. 

Second, we have youth who aren't easily discouraged! When I was tired, our youth were still going strong. When I was hot, our youth weren't complaining one bit. When the food trucks all ran out of food the first night of the gathering, we had no snacks and we didn't think we were going to be able to find food until much later that evening, our youth said, "Don't worry! We'll be fine!" and kept on going. More than that, though, when faced with the current problems and challenges of our world, our youth are energized to make a difference. We learned a new phrase, "God has grace for that!" In the midst of our mistakes, failures, hurt and pain, God has grace. The youth of Abiding Presence embody that grace. 

Finally, we have youth in whom we should invest! I believe that among our current Senior High youth we have the future pastors, bishops, church council presidents, Sunday School teachers, ushers,  youth ministers and musicians of the church. They may not serve at our church as adults, but they will serve at a church somewhere and make a difference in that community because of the way their faith was formed here at Abiding Presence. 

We're not just investing in our youth for the future of the church, though. We are investing in them because they have gifts and skills that we need today. I learned so much from our young people while traveling with them. I know they can mold and shape our church today. 

I encourage you to take a few moments to chat with some of our youth who attend the ELCA Youth Gathering to learn more about their experiences. I also invite you to give a big "Thank You" to Matt and Sara Dyson for accompanying the youth to the gathering with me. The theme was "This Changes Everything" and we have all come back believing this to be true!

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Greetings from Houston

Greetings from Houston and the ELCA Youth Gathering! I’m here with over 30,000 other Lutheran senior high youth and adults serving, worshiping, praying, learning and playing under the theme “This Changes Everything.” While I’m here, however, I am mindful of what is happening at home in our community. Many of you have probably now heard the news about the destruction, vandalism and racist graffiti that happened at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, our neighboring ELCA congregation in Fairfax…

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Youth Choir & Band Nats Game Outing!

As of the end of the school year, rising 6th graders are now officially eligible to participate in Youth Band and Youth Choir at Abiding Presence! To officially welcome them to the groups (and just for a super-fun thing to do together!) we're going to a Washington Nationals home game vs. the Atlanta Braves at 1:35pm on Sunday, July 22.

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