Our Children's Ministry is Growing!


Our children's ministry is expanding and we need YOU to step up to help! We are growing our children's ministry this fall, which means we also need to grow the number of adults and high school youth who are involved in leadership roles. At the moment, there is the need for teachers for two key ministries - Sunday School and Wednesday Night Gathering. Please prayerfully consider how you can support our growing ministry as you read the below requests from our Children and Family Minister, Sara Dyson

Sunday School Teachers (Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 a.m.)
Our Sunday School classes are growing by leaps and bounds, and we are adding yet another classroom of kids this fall! I'm in desperate need of Sunday School teachers, so I ask you to consider the following:

Do you have a passion for children?  Would you consider helping the next generation of kids learn about the love and stories of Christ and explore the Bible?  

Consider volunteering to be a Sunday School teacher this fall!  No previous teaching experience needed, only a love of Christ and helping to share that love with the children at Abiding Presence.  Sunday School starts on September 9, and substitutes are always available if you are out of town.  Please talk to or email Sara Dyson, Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) if you are interested.

Wednesday Night Teachers (Wednesday Evenings from 6:45-7:45 p.m.)
We are looking to reenvision what Wednesday night youth and children programs look like, and I am looking for 2-3 high schoolers or adults who would commit to teaching with me on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. I'll provide the curriculum, guidance, and help, but you'll have the freedom and creativity in the classes. Please talk to Sara Dyson,  Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) to get more information or if you're interested.

Meredith Keseley