God's Work. Our Hands. - More Hands are Needed!
As the old Sunday School rhyme reminds us,
The church is not a building.
The church is not a steeple.
The church is not a resting place.
The church is the PEOPLE!
You are the church and as our church seeks to do God's work, we need more hands! Our ministry continues to grow and we need to grow the number of people involved in leadership. Please prayerfully consider serving in one of the following ways:
Sunday School Teachers (Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 a.m.)
Our Sunday School classes are growing by leaps and bounds, and we are adding yet another classroom of kids this fall! Consider volunteering to be a Sunday School teacher this fall! No previous teaching experience needed, only a love of Christ and helping to share that love with the children at Abiding Presence. Sunday School starts on September 9, and substitutes are always available if you are out of town. Please talk to or email Sara Dyson, Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) if you are interested.
Wednesday Night Teachers (Wednesday Evenings from 6:45-7:45 p.m.)
We are looking to reenvision what Wednesday night youth and children programs look like, and I am looking for 2-3 high schoolers or adults who would commit to teaching with me on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. I'll provide the curriculum, guidance, and help, but you'll have the freedom and creativity in the classes. Please talk to Sara Dyson, Children & Family Minister (sara@abidingpresence.net) to get more information or if you're interested.
Meal Providers Needed We have some AP members who occasionally are in need of having meals provided due to medical issues. They have someone who helps provide most of their meals, but is not always available due to business travel. During these periods, we would like to be able to help them out by providing prepared, frozen meals that they can just take out of the freezer and reheat. Since this will be an ongoing need, we would like to have a volunteer team who would be willing to help out when contacted. You would have at least several days ad- vance notice. If you can assist in this way, please contact Kathi Schultz in the church office, 703-455-7500.
To volunteer for the following worship assistant opportunities, contact Pastor Keseley.
Time commitment in addition to worship: 15 minutes before and after service
Job: Greet worshipers at sanctuary doors, pass out bulletins prior to the service, collect offering, dismiss people to communion and make sure sanctuary is picked up following service
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults; Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together
Time commitment in addition to worship: 15 minutes before service
Job: Greet worshipers at the main church doors
Who Can Volunteer: Anyone with a smile! Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together
Lay Reader
Time commitment in addition to worship: None
Job: Read the assigned lesson which is emailed to you in advance
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults
Communion Assistant
Time commitment in addition to worship: None
Job: Distribute either the pouring chalice or common cup at the time of communion
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults
Altar Guild
Time commitment in addition to worship: Approximately 20 minutes before or after the service
Job: Set up or clean up the altar from Holy Communion
Who Can Volunteer: Senior High through Adults; Families with young children are encouraged to sign up as a family so parents and kids can serve together