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ELCA Youth Gathering Investors Needed

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Abiding Presence is sending 13 senior high youth and three adult chaperones to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, TX this summer. 

We're looking for members of the congregation to invest in our youth by providing financial contributions to make the Youth Gathering experience possible. The youth designed their own "start-up company," APSOF, which is the acronym for Abiding Presence Seeds of Faith. They are hoping the congregation will invest in this company (i.e. in the youth!) so that they can experience the Youth Gathering this summer. The APSOF initial public offering (IPO) launched at the Abiding Table on Youth Sunday with much excitement and a price of $25 per share. 

For more information you can read the APSOF prospectus, visit the display in the narthex, or talk with one of the teens that is planning to attend.  Please consider investing in our AP teens and this exciting part of their faith journey. 

Donations can be made online or by taking an envelope from the display in the narthex. 

Check out the video put together to tell the story of why investing in our youth to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering is something important for the church to be about. 

Later Event: May 1
Mainly Music