Trunk-or-Treat Drive Thru

Wednesday, October 28 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Our annual “Trunk-or-Treat” event will look a bit different this year, but still provide opportunities for fun for the whole family.

In order to keep everyone safe, participants will drive thru the parking lot from the safety of their vehicles to view our display of trunks and characters. At the end, we will hand out a bag of candy from a safe physical distance. Feel free to make it extra fun by dressing the kids up in their costumes for the drive thru.

Volunteers are needed to:

  • Donate bags of candy (drop off in the designated bin in front of the church by October 21)

  • Sign up for a parking spot in the lot to park your decorated trunk, stand in costume or create a display. All parking spots will be physically distanced in order to keep participants safe. Everyone in your parking spot will be asked to please wear a mask and follow COVID precautions. You do not have to stand with your decorated trunk. We will ask all trunks to be in place by 5:15 p.m. and plan to stay in place through the end of the event.

We hope this provides a safe way for our community to celebrate Halloween and the opportunity for the whole congregation to be engaged in this outreach event.