6 ways parents can support their kids through the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

Children of all ages sometimes experience feelings of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. This is especially true during the coronavirus pandemic. Since schools are closed, children of all ages are dealing with cancelled events and separations from their friends. Dr. Lisa Damour, an expert adolescent psychologist, gives 6 different strategies on how to support your children during this time. These strategies help create a sense of normalcy in your home. The first is to be calm and proactive. Being proactive by washing your hands and social distancing can help you and your child feel safe. Next is to stick to a routine, by doing so, kids will have a predicable day. Third, Dr. Damour says to let your children feel their emotions. This can help normalize feelings of sadness and anger. This goes along with the next tip which is to check in with your child to see how they're feeling about the news they’ve seen. This is very important due to lots of misinformation. Finally create welcome distractions and monitor your own behavior by not oversharing your anxieties with your children.

The full article can be found here.