A Trieu Story

Written by Lexy Echard

Haley and Kiptyn Trieu have been members of Abiding Presence since birth and were both baptized here. Understandingly, the adjustment to social distancing has been a bit hard for them. Haley just graduated from elementary school, which normally means a big 6th grade party. Instead, Haley said her school held a zoom graduation service and all she got was a t-shirt. Kiptyn, who is going into 5th grade, said that the transition to online school wasn’t that bad because he knew it was going to happen. 

Haley’s favorite part of church is going to Vacation Bible School during the summer. This would have been her first year being a volunteer instead of a participant. This was another disappointment for her. Only her little sister, Kelsie, was able to attend VBS online. Haley and I both hope next summer will be back to normal and we will be able to attend VBS again in person. For Kiptyn, his favorite part of online church is eating cereal and apple juice for communion. 

It can be harder to feel and see God when you are not able to physically be in church. However, God still comes into our lives outside of the church building. Haley and Kiptyn shared a story about their recent God moment. A few weeks ago they went to a park to go on a walk. When they got back to their car it wouldn’t start because the battery had died. However, someone was already in the parking lot with jumper cables. This person helped them jumpstart their car so they were able to get home right away. Whether you are in the church building or not, God is always watching out for all of us.