Prayers, Conversation & Hope in an Election Season


As people of faith, participating in civic life is part of our Christian calling. One of the ways we engage in civic life is at the polls. Grounded in prayer and trusting in God’s presence with us, let’s head engage in civic life in ways that are respectful, peaceful and hopeful.

Let us pray. O God, you crafted the universe as a divine tapestry in which the well-being of the entire cosmos is forever intertwined. In this election season, give us hearts and minds focused on nurturing all that you have made. Forgive us when we are unjust or accept unjust behavior in our leaders. Remind us of your call to not withdraw from the world, but to be in the world as your very own broken and beloved people. Ignite in us a passion for the welfare of those who are most vulnerable, and empower us to lead with a love that reflects your love revealed in Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
— ELCA Worship Resources for a National Election