Giving Tuesday Now

Tuesday, May 5, has been designated “Giving Tuesday Now,” a global day of giving to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and Abiding Presence will be participating. This is where we need your help to enable us to now expand our Food Pantry ministry to include twice a month curbside pantry pick up and to now include fresh food in the bags we give. Here’s how you can help:

 Give Food
We continue to encourage you to donate non-perishable food. It is most helpful if you please only donate the items listed here as these are the items we are currently giving out. In addition to providing food for the Abiding Presence pantry, we send a carload of donations to our partners at ECHO each Monday to support their pantry.  

Donate Money - CLICK HERE to give online
We’ve determined that each set of bags – pantry stables, snacks and fresh food – costs approximately $50 for a family of four. We are hoping to serve about 125 households a month through our food ministry.

This Tuesday, on “Giving Tuesday Now,” we are looking for 125 people to make $50 donations (or more) to support the Abiding Presence Food Pantry. Additionally, we hope many of those people will automate their donation to $50/month through the end of the year. Give online at

Meredith Keseley