Filtering by: OWLNews

OWLs Excursion - "The Art of Organ Building"
10:30 AM10:30

OWLs Excursion - "The Art of Organ Building"

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday, December 2 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Saint George's Episcopal Church

The Abiding Presence OWLs will be headed to Saint George's Episcopal Church in Arlington for a presentation on "the art of organ building." Organ builder Martin Pasi is currently at the church installing their new pipe organ. Martin will share about the art of organ building from the builder perspective, complete with a tour into the organ chamber. Ben Keseley, Pastor Keseley's husband and Minister of Music, will demonstrate the organ. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to enjoy box lunches together in the parish hall. Transportation to and from Abiding Presence will be provided in a mini-bus or you can drive yourself and meet us at Saint George’s. Click here to RSVP.

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OWLs Oktoberfest (Outside)
12:00 PM12:00

OWLs Oktoberfest (Outside)

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesday, October 12 at 12:00 noon

Calling all older, wiser Lutherans (OWLs)! We’re having an outdoor Oktoberfest celebration. We’ll provide the Oktoberfest themed food and music, you show up to have a good time. To keep everyone safe, we’ll be outside in the parking lot. Tables and chairs will be set up or you can bring your own chair. Food, music and friends! RSVP here.

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OWLs Mystery Drive-In Concert
1:00 PM13:00

OWLs Mystery Drive-In Concert

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesday, April 20 at 1:00 p.m.

Calling all OWLs (Older, Wiser Lutherans)! It’s time for our monthly drive-in concert. This month’s concert is a mystery musician! You can listen from your car with the windows rolled down or through our FM transmitter or you can bring a lawn chair and sit in a parking space. Enjoy the music and the chance to reconnect with friends. Simply show up, no RSVP necessary!

As with all parking lot events at Abiding Presence, please wear a mask, practice social distancing and stay home if you aren’t feeling well. Please note that these safety measures will be required of everyone regardless of vaccination status.

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OWLs "Holy Tuesday" Scripture Study
1:00 PM13:00

OWLs "Holy Tuesday" Scripture Study

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have set the Tuesday of Holy Week aside this year as a congregation-wide "Day of Scripture." All OWLs (Older, Wiser Lutherans) are invited to join Pastor Keseley in the parking lot for a recap of the Gospel of Mark. We will get ready for Easter by going back to the beginning of Mark's gospel to review the gospel story in its entirety. Think of it as an OWLs bible story time! By refreshing our memories of where Jesus’ story begins in Mark’s Gospel, we will be ready to enter into the Great Three Days and Easter Sunday in a whole new way. Bring a Bible (if you have one) and wear your mask. We’ll follow all of our COVID-19 safety protocol with distancing and asking people to stay home if they aren’t feeling well.

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OWLs Drive-In Concert with Craig Fraedrich
1:00 PM13:00

OWLs Drive-In Concert with Craig Fraedrich

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

RESCHEDULED! Tuesday, March 23 at 1:00 p.m.

Calling all OWLs (Older, Wiser Lutherans)! Now that the weather is getting nicer, our monthly drive-in concerts are returning. Gather in the church parking lot for a jazz concert featuring our own Craig Fraedrich on trumpet. You can listen from your car with the windows rolled down or through our FM transmitter or you can bring a lawn chair and sit in a parking space. Enjoy the music and the chance to reconnect with friends.

As with all parking lot events at Abiding Presence, please wear a mask, practice social distancing and stay home if you aren’t feeling well. Please note that these safety measures will be required of everyone regardless of vaccination status.

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OWLs Drive-In Concert
1:00 PM13:00

OWLs Drive-In Concert

Calling all OWLs (Older, Wiser Lutherans): come out to the Abiding Presence parking lot on Wednesday, November 4 at 1:00 p.m. for a very special drive-in concert by our own Joe McGavin. Joe plays acoustic renditions of your favorites from the '60s, '70s, '80s and beyond.

Here is how to attend this free concert:

  • Sign up using the form found by clicking “read more.” We’ll reserve a parking space for you!

  • Plan to arrive about 15-20 minutes early (around 12:45 p.m.) so you can be directed to your parking space and test your radio.

  • Listen on your radio, just like at a drive-in movie theater! We will broadcast the live concert audio across the parking lot using our low-power FM transmitter, and we’ll give you the FM station as you arrive. All you have to do is tune your radio to our station and be within about 100 feet of the transmitter.

  • Either remain in your car or bring a lawn chair. You can listen on your car radio, and we will also set up a public address sound system near the stage.

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