Sundays, Sept. 29, Oct. 6 & Oct. 13
6:00-7:30 p.m. at Abiding Presence (in-person only)
You talk with your financial advisor about the means to retirement. This workshop will explore how to have a meaningful retirement. ELCA Deacon Kathy Garrison is joining us at Pastor Keseley’s invitation to lead a three-session workshop geared toward people who are wondering about, planning for, or experiencing retirement. How can the lenses of faith and spirituality help us build a meaningful retirement? We tend to default to the stereotypes of what retirement has been. Let's break out of those automatic ideas of what it is and explore new ways of looking forward to changing the way life can be as we ask the question, “Now What?”
Even if you cannot commit to all three weeks, we encourage you to come to whatever fits in your schedule.
Kathy Garrison is a Deacon, in the ELCA. Kathy initially completed the deaconess formation process of the Lutheran Diaconal Association and is a graduate of VTS and the Lutheran Seminary of Gettysburg. She has a nursing background, has worked as a hospital chaplain and taught pastoral care. She is a wife, a mother and a grandmother. Building retreats and presentations are a fun benefit of working independently.
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