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REVIVE! Opioid Overdose Training

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Join us for another informative training from the CSB, this time educating yourself on what to do in an opioid overdose emergency. Abiding Presence is sponsoring this "Lay Rescuer" training which covers understanding opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factors for opioid overdoses, and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone. Participants will be able to receive Naloxone (Narcan ®) to use in case of an emergency.

Click here to register:

Registration URL:

Training ID: 847-147-564

When you register you will be asked for your address so the CSB can mail Naloxone (the life saving nasal spray) and your kit with gloves and mouth barrier for rescue breathing. If you do not want the materials mailed to you, you can choose no during the registration process.

Earlier Event: October 24
Iron Men (via Zoom)
Later Event: October 25
Reformation Sunday Celebration