Youth Event Registration

9th grade Weekly McDonald’s Outings

  • Please fill out one form per student for the 2024-2025 school year

  • Students will meet Mr. Franke and a parent volunteer each week in the lobby at 10:05a.m. on Sunday mornings and drive over. Parent volunteer drivers can sign up here.

  • The church will cover the cost of a McMuffin breakfast meal with juice or coffee. Extras are the responsibility of your student to pay for.

  • Students must remain with Mr. Franke and parent chaperone for the duration of the education hour (10:05-10:45 a.m.). The only reason a student will be released from McDonalds is if a parent comes to get them at the restaurant. All other students should be picked up back at church.


  • Thank you for filling out a waiver from us and from SnowRiders- we really appreciate it!

  • If your 7th-12th grader needs a ride please have them at Abiding Presence at 12:15p.m. so we can leave and get there on time!

10 Commandments of Youth Ministry at Lutheran Church of the Abiding Presence

I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me.

Enough said!

Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

Foul language, curse words, etc. have no place in our youth ministry activities.

Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

We will remember to rest when appropriate and work when appropriate. When the opportunity arises, we will worship together and remember that we are representing Abiding Presence when we worship at other congregations.

Honor your father and mother.

Remember this covers all in authority, especially the pastor, event staff, and adult youth leaders!

Thou shall not kill

No guns, weapons, knives, etc. will be permitted. Further, no negative comments or insults about activities or people.

Thou shall not commit adultery.

All participants will act appropriately and respectfully towards one another at all times. Separate sleeping areas and personal boundaries will be respected.

Thou shall not steal.

Keep your hands to yourself and your own stuff.

Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

No gossiping or speaking negatively about people.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.

We will treat everywhere we visit with the utmost respect remembering that we are guests.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his cattle or anything that is your neighbor’s.

Ok, so hopefully we won’t have too much trouble with the cattle thing!

I promise to abide by the above 10 Commandments for Lutheran Church of the Abiding Presence Youth Ministry. While I understand that there is grace and forgiveness for my sins, I will take full responsibility for my actions.