" living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house..." —1 Peter 2:5a
Grab your phone, put on headphones, and record yourself singing, playing, or dancing along!
Anyone of any age can participate, on any instrument or voice part! Here is how it works:
Download sheet music or lyric sheets for your instrument or voice part. Don't read music? No problem! We have parts for all instruments/voices and skill levels. If in doubt, just grab the lyric sheet or the lead sheet.
Put on headphones and sing or play along with the video to practice.
Record yourself (or your family and friends together!) singing/playing along with the video; the easiest is to use your phone or tablet's video camera or voice recording app (like Voice Memos on iPhone or iPad). Make sure you’re listening on headphones while recording so that we only hear YOU and not the video sound. :-) You do *NOT* need to make a professional-quality recording.
Send your video or audio recording to David Chávez, Music & Worship Minister, at (If it’s too big to attach, use a file sharing service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Firefox Send.) The deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24.
Dave will mix and edit the recordings together to make one unified virtual choir performance, which will be part of Sunday worship!
Virtual Choir Rehearsal! (optional) Looking for help learning the music? Or, would you like to just watch a virtual choir rehearsal in action? Our Virtual Choir rehearsal was on Tuesday, March 17, but you can view the recording by contacting Dave.
Got a song request for Virtual Choir? Send it to! Just because we can't be together in person doesn't mean we can't worship God through music!