Giving Tuesday

In this season of Advent, we are celebrating Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a day set aside for supporting causes that people care about. I hope you will consider participating in our Giving Tuesday campaign to support our food ministry. You can do so at and choosing “food ministry” from the dropdown box. 

At our last pantry distribution, we served 220 households, a record-breaking number. People were lined up starting at 7:00 a.m. The pantry didn’t even open until 8:30 a.m.! The need in our community is great and it is not letting up. Our market-style pantry allows people to come in and choose the food that they need. Being a “no questions asked” pantry means that people who might otherwise slip through the cracks can have access to food. 

Your gift of $50 can help to provide food for one household at one pantry distribution. Your gift of more can support multiple households. Many of our guests come every pantry, so I encourage you to consider a reoccurring gift once or twice a month. Doing so will allow you to support feeding a family all year long. 

Over the past several months, we have seen a decrease in both financial gifts and non-perishable food donations to the pantry. In this season of giving, I hope we can come together as a church to support the work of feeding people to which we have been called. We are the church for the sake of the world!

Pastor Meredith Keseley
Senior Pastor