One More Step!

This Sunday, we will have our first livestream baptism. It’s one more step we are taking as a church during these pandemic times. When we started livestream worship back in March, we didn’t have communion. After Easter and a lot of prayerfully deliberation, we responded to the Holy Spirit’s nudging to figure out a way to offer the sacrament of Holy Communion. Now, we’re responding to that nudging again as we get ready to creatively celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism in our livestream worship, too.

Earlier in the pandemic, I wrote a reflection on What is the Church?” I went back to the Augsburg Confession (part of our confessional documents) and the definition of the church found in it. We are told there that the church needs three things to be the church:

1.     Saints (that’s people like us, even in our least saintly moments)
2.     The Gospel (that’s the Word of God) rightly taught
3.     The Sacraments (Holy Baptism and Holy Communion) rightly administered

Reflecting on this definition of the church is part of what challenged me back in April to expand my imagination, sacramental theology and understanding of how God is in relationship with us to lead us to livestream Holy Communion. For the past several months, we have experienced the Holy Spirit showing up each Sunday to join us together as one when we share in the bread and wine that is Christ’s body and blood. We have been – and continue to be – united from all of our different places, with the Holy Spirit and the risen Christ on the loose in the world and our homes. Now, this Sunday, I know that the Holy Spirit will show up in the same way. As a faith community, we will welcome Mackenzie into the body of Christ and the faith family of Abiding Presence.

On the livestream this Sunday, you will see Pastor Joe in the sanctuary and me “on location” in Mackenzie’s backyard with her parents, godparents and grandparents. There will be a backyard version of an altar and a baptismal font set up. We’ll practice physical distancing. While I will speak the words of the baptismal liturgy, Mackenzie’s family will be the ones to pour the water over her head and trace the cross of Christ on her forehead. We’ll do this live. We know the Holy Spirit will work, we’re hoping our technology works, too!

Let me assure you, we are going back to worship in the sanctuary! I have no doubt about it. We are already planning and preparing for what that will look like when the time is right to do so in a safe and healthy way. But, that time has not yet come. Honestly, I don’t expect to come this fall. So, instead of continuing to wait, we are going to move forward. We’re going to get back to baptizing, welcoming new members, first communion, affirmation of baptism and all sorts of other aspects of our worship life that we had put on hold. So, if you’ve been waiting for a baptism, let’s chat! I’d love to find a creative way to make it happen as part of our livestream worship.

Here’s the thing about the church. The saints, gospel and sacraments that make the church have not changed one bit! We are still the church. We are “Abiding Together” because God is abiding with us. I cannot wait to see what that looks like this fall, even if it won’t look like it usually does.

So, set your alarm, get your phone/tablet/computer/tv ready and join us for worship this weekend as we celebrate yet another first of these pandemic times! The Holy Spirit will certainly be there. I hope you will be there, too.