Welcome to #AbidingStories
We're collecting submissions for #AbidingStories to keep a virtual diary of our community in this strange time. All we need is YOUR story. We're looking for short essays, poetry, diary entries, your response to worship, moments of gratitude, moments when you just about lost it, anything! Parents: ask your kiddos to write a short diary entry about a day in their life, ups and downs. Submissions can be:
Written - blog posts, journal entries, letters, poetry, anything!
Audio - open up the Voice Memos or similar app on your phone, record your thoughts, or just capture the sound of where you are.
Video - record a video of yourself, your family, your environment, or your new quarantine adventures. (File too big to email? Try Firefox Send to easily share the file with us.)
Your post can be anonymous if you want. This is your chance to be authentic and vulnerable. Submit entries to Sarah Snow, Congregational Care Minister (Sarah@abidingpresence.net).