From our Congregational Care Minister

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I’m your new Congregational Care Minister, Sarah Snow. I have had the blessing to meet many of you. If I haven’t met you and you want to chat, stop by my office (I’m there Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-2), or drop me an email

One of the many wonderful ministries I get to lead is the Mental Health Ministry. Abiding Presence has been an incredible witness to the love of Christ for those who are affected by mental illness. We host seminars, training, support groups, and have a thriving partnership with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). We hope to continue to grow in our ability to serve our community by lowering the obstacles that many face to get adequate resources and care for mental health.

When I started just a few short weeks ago, I was excited, but admittedly overwhelmed by all the acronyms! NAMI, CSB, FPC, etc! I thought about how a major obstacle for those who are in any crises or mental health struggle, is having the energy and clarity to understand the resources that are out there. What if we had a place where everything was labeled, explained, and pamphlets and schedules were handy? What if that place was also comfortable and welcoming? What if people could have support groups and counseling sessions in that space? 

Thanks to the empowering leadership of Pastor Meredith, the hard workers on the Mental Health Team, and wonderful donors of items: that place now exists! The Mental Health Resource Room (previously the church library) will be a welcoming space where we can send people who need information on mental health resources. There will be clear signs explaining each local resource and how to connect with them. There will be flyers to take home, pamphlets to read, and a curated library of books for those interested in learning more.

I am very excited about this resource room and hope you will check it out! It is a space in progress, so please let me know if you have suggestions of resources that have been helpful for you. 

Thank you for your warm welcome into this community! I hope that as I serve you in ministry, that we can continue to create space in this church for us to care for others, connecting each other to Christ through community. 

Sarah Snow, Congregational Care Minister

CoverMeredith Keseley