Thanks, Giving and Stewardship

One evening last week one of our church council members texted me to say, “I love that when mental illness support was requested on [a Facebook group], Abiding Presence was the first thing mentioned.” “Me, too!” I replied. I then went on to check out the thread. Sure enough, someone had posted in one of the local Facebook groups asking for recommendations for where to get support for themselves as they provide care for a family member with a mental illness. The first reply was to check out Abiding Presence with links to our website. The best part was that the comment came from someone who isn’t even a member of our church!

Week after week, day after day, I am privileged to see the impact Abiding Presence is making on people’s lives – both people in our congregation and people in our larger community. I hope you see it, too. The Facebook group is just one example of the how Abiding Presence has become known in the Burke community as a place where people can turn for help and support. What we do here is important and it matters.

This weekend I want to say thank you for the ways you make possible the life changing work possible we do at Abiding Presence. We are able to do what we do because of both your presence in our faith community and your financial support for our ministry. We are the church together. Thank you!

 This is also the weekend where we begin to look ahead to next year as we launch our annual stewardship campaign. Enclosed in your bulletin this weekend will be the first of four weeks of inserts that describe our vision for 2020. That vision will lead us to:

Build Sustaining Faith
Grow in Discipleship
Make Disciples
Maintain & Grow in Excellence of Ministry

Next weekend we will distribute packets to every household in the congregation as we invite you to consider your financial commitment for 2020. This packet will include our annual stewardship book that tells the story of where we have been and where we are going, a statement of intent to record your commitment for 2020 and a letter from me. Here at Abiding Presence, we think stewardship packets are pretty exciting, so you won’t want to miss the fun things that will be in your packet, too.

 As I look ahead to the coming year, I am as excited as ever to be your pastor. Abiding Presence is an amazing faith community that is changing lives, connecting people to Christ and build authentic community. Thank you for all you do to make our church the vibrant, active and Spirit-filled congregation it is.