An Advent Message
Here’s me with our confirmation students at Camp Mar-Lu-Ridge for their confirmation retreat.
Hello Abiding Presence 7th-12th Grade Families,
I am excited for this Advent season, especially because Michelle and I get to celebrate it with our newfound church family. In the past, the Advent season has been something to which I have looked forward. Instead, I’ve always wanted to just jump ahead to Christmas. Now I am seeing your amazing Advent traditions and the scripture lessons that fill this season and I cannot wait to follow along. I am finding it exciting to be able to be part of something that is larger than me, that has been going on longer than me and that I will have the chance to do in community. I want to invite you to please come alongside me and teach me all about your Advent traditions. Michelle and I are especially looking forward to lighting the wreath we made together!
We have had a terrific fall launching Youth Group on Sunday evenings. Thank you to all of the adults who have stepped up to help make this ministry possible and to the families who have provided meals. Our Christmas party on Sunday, December 15 will be the last youth group for 2019. We will start back up in 2020 on Sunday, February 9. This is a pretty big gap, but fear not! We will still have worship and Sunday School as usual on Sunday mornings throughout the month of January. Plus, we are planning a special event in January. When Youth Group launches in 2020, we will be asking the questions, “What is the Bible? What does the Bible mean for me?” I know that this is a question we have all asked and that our youth are certainly asking. I am more than excited for this series!
Jon Gladames-Henry
Youth & Young Adult Minister