An Advent Message

Dear Abiding Presence Families,

I hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend and that you are finding some rest among the craziness! 

As we journey into this Advent season together, my mind is continually drawn to the imagery of a pregnant Mary, carrying the light of the world and waiting expectantly to hold her tiny baby. This season, I will be celebrating the arrival of this baby by reading our Intergenerational Advent devotional, In Light and Darkness, as well as taking part in Pastor Keseley's online study of Luke. I am excited to intentionally slow down this holiday season, although I expect I'll need a lot of grace for myself to do so.

Whatever image, story or tradition brings you and your family together this season, I hope you lean into it. If you've picked up one of our Family and/or Intergenerational Advent devotionals, I hope you take time each week to sit with the words. If you had a chance to make an Advent Wreath with us, I hope your family joins together to light the candles and pray for the coming Christ. Whatever tradition or activity you choose to take part in, your children are watching you seek Jesus and growing in their own faith at the same time. Whatever your Advent season looks like this year, I hope that we at Abiding Presence can be a part of it. If you want to start a new Advent tradition or activity at home this year and are not sure how to do so, I would be happy to brainstorm with you some possibilities.  

Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas!

Children & Family Minister

P.S. - If you need a copy of one of our Advent Devotional Books, there are lots of copies in the narthex to pick up.