Everything You Need to Know for the 40th Anniversary Celebration


Sunday, May 20

·       There is only ONE service on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. with no Saturday service that weekend. The service is expected to be a bit longer than our usual service and will likely run around 75-85 minutes. 

·       Overflow parking will be available at Old Keene Mill Swim Club located at 9534 Orion Ct, Burke, VA 22015. We will have a shuttle running between the swim club and Abiding Presence. We’re especially asking musicians, volunteers and those who are coming early to take advantage of the overflow parking. 

·       We are expecting a big crowd! There will be plenty of seats, but some of them will be in the narthex for overflow seating. Come early if getting a good seat is important to you. That said, the people who sit in the narthex will be the first ones in line for the lunch buffet. So, there is definitely a perk to the less desirable seats! We will have a reserved seating section in the sanctuary for people with mobility challenges and their families. Ask an usher or look for the signs to be directed to it. We’ll be bringing communion to people in their seats who might need it in this section.

·       There is no cost for the luncheon following the service. There will, however, be a freewill donation basket for those who would like to contribute. If you have not yet RSVPed for the luncheon, please do so at https://abidingpresence.net/40th. If you didn’t RSVP but find yourself able to come at the last minute, don’t worry. We’ll have a seat and plenty of food for you.

·       There will be two seating areas for the luncheon – Bailey Hall and a large weatherproof tent in the parking lot. There will be plenty of seats for the luncheon. We’ll also have two serving lines that will go into the two seating areas. Drinks, cake and high chairs will be found in both seating locations.

·       The lunch menu is garden salad, brisket, barbecue pulled chicken, seasonal vegetables spring mix, mac and cheese, coleslaw and cake. If you have a food allergy, just ask one of the catering staff and they will be able to answer any questions about ingredients.

·       There is no formal program during the luncheon. Feel free to stay as long or as short as you would like.

·       Childcare will be available for children ages 5 and under in the church nursery during the worship service. The nursery will only be staffed during the service, so please pick up your children before heading to the luncheon. Parents are asked to please keep their elementary school and younger children with them throughout the luncheon. We’ll have a lot of guests in the building and we want to keep everyone safe. Playing on the playground after lunch is welcomed and encouraged. Parents are asked to please be within the fenced in playground area with their elementary school age and younger children while they are playing.

ENewsMeredith Keseley