Refugee Ministry
One of the ways that Abiding Presence is about living out Jesus' commandment to "love our neighbors" is to support refugees who are resettling in our community by partnering with Lutheran Social Services. As we celebrate our 40th anniversary this year, we remember that supporting refugees is part of our congregation's history. Abiding Presence helped to resettle a Polish family back in the early days of our congregation's existence. For the past few years, a group has been meeting to pray, discern and plan how Abiding Presence might support refugee resettlement once again.
Those who are interested in working with refugees are encouraged to attend an information and training session [postponed - new date TBD] at Abiding Presence with the Abiding Presence Refugee Ministry Team. Learn how you can make a big difference in some seemingly small ways in the lives of refugees, helping them rebuild their lives and adjust to their new surroundings. The session will be held by Lutheran Social Services and is required for our refugee ministry volunteers. Contact the church office with questions or for more information. Come be a part of serving God and walking with our neighbors, following in the way of Jesus in our community!