Looking Forward to this Weekend

Bishop Richard Graham

Bishop Richard Graham

**NOTE - The Refugee Training Event Scheduled for Thursday has been Postponed**

This weekend is an exciting weekend for Abiding Presence! Bishop Richard Graham will be with us to preach and preside at all services. He'll also be at The Abiding Table at 10:00 a.m. to meet with senior high and adults over breakfast. Please make sure you're here for our special services this weekend! 

Abiding Presence is one of the 9,252 congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). These congregations are divided geographically into 65 synods. Our synod is the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synod. Our synod is the geographically smallest synod of the ELCA, but it is not the smallest numerically. Our synod is made up of the 80 congregations in Washington, D.C., and the counties in Maryland and Virginia that surround D.C. It also includes the one ELCA congregation located in Bermuda.

Together as the ELCA and the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synod we are able to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve God's people in far more ways than we could on our own as a single congregation. Our synod supports two outdoor ministry sites that provide summer camp and year around retreat ministries. We support the work of missionaries around the world. The synod has come together to support Abiding Presence by offering us a grant to enable us to call Pastor Heidi as our Pastor for Discipleship. 

This weekend will be a chance for us to celebrate that we are part of the larger church and personally thank Bishop Graham for the synod's support of our ministry. I look forward to a great weekend of worship with you!