Why Bother with Advent?
Advent is a season of preparation. It is the season of promise and hope. During these four weeks we remember that even though our decorations are festive and bright, often times are hearts are still longing. Christ has come…but all is not yet how it should be. We still know pain, grief, sadness and brokenness all too well. So, in Advent we cling tight to Christ’s promise to come again. The world is not yet how it shall be. God’s promise is yet to be fulfilled. There is hope that what we see before us now is not the end of the story. There is still plenty more to come.
Our theme in worship and at The Abiding Table will be “Why Bother with Advent?” The world around us is ready to rush right to Christmas. Why do we people of faith stop to celebrate Advent first? The answer comes to us through the texts of the prophet Isaiah:
Dec. 2/3 – Isaiah 64:1-19 – Waiting
Dec. 9/10 – Isaiah 40:1-11 – Hoping
Dec. 16/17 – Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 – Preparing
Be sure to join us this month as we wait, hope and prepare for the return of Christ our King.