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Carpenter's Shelter Dinner
5:15 PM17:15

Carpenter's Shelter Dinner

  • Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Sunday, March 31, volunteers are needed to provide dinner for shelter guests by making food and/or serving dinner. Prepared food and volunteers serving the dinner need to arrive at the church no later than 5:15 pm.

The food needs to delivered in disposable pans. There are foil baking pans and cupcake carriers in the narthex. You can use the recipe provided in Signup Genius or your own recipe.

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1:30 PM13:30


We ARE CROP WALKING! If only for a short distance… Abiding Presence will have a socially distanced, masked, parking-lot CROP Walk on Saturday, November 7, so as not break our congregation’s 27 year tradition of supporting Church World Service (CWS). Participants may start their walk any time between 1:30 pm and 2:45 pm. We will have booths and stations to learn about CROP and CWS, and even make a “Share the Peace” video for the Abiding Presence Livestream service. We will also have live music by Joe McGavin!

Join our team by going to ,choose “Register.” After giving your information, choose “Join a Team,” and find Abiding Presence CROP Team in the dropdown box.

Those who wish to support our team with a donation, go to and choose “Donate.”

Those who prefer not to donate online may send a check made out to CWS/CROP to Abiding Presence. Donations support the global and local efforts to combat hunger, provide clean water sources, improve agriculture, support literacy and more. CWS shares a part of its proceeds from our walk with ECHO each year.

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Lent Special Collection - Week #5 (Nail Clipper)
to Apr 3

Lent Special Collection - Week #5 (Nail Clipper)

Fifth Week in Lent (March 29-April 5)
Metal nail clippers (attached file optional)

As part of our Lenten journey this year, we will be collecting items to assemble Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We will be helping to provide basic hygiene items to people throughout the world who are afflicted by war, displacement, poverty and natural disasters. This is a simple, but important way to share God’s grace and love by providing some of life’s essential items, as well as reminding them that they are not alone. Each week during Lent we will collect a different item for the kits. Each Personal Care Kit consists of a bath towel, 2-3 bars of soap, and a toothbrush, comb and nail clipper. All items should be new. LWR also adds toothpaste when the kits are given to those in need at the destination site. Please put all items in the marked bin in the narthex. After Easter, the 6th grade Sunday School class will be assembling the kits and preparing them for delivery.

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Lent Special Collection - Week #4 (Combs)
to Mar 27

Lent Special Collection - Week #4 (Combs)

  • Google Calendar ICS

Fourth Week in Lent (March 22-29)
Sturdy combs

As part of our Lenten journey this year, we will be collecting items to assemble Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We will be helping to provide basic hygiene items to people throughout the world who are afflicted by war, displacement, poverty and natural disasters. This is a simple, but important way to share God’s grace and love by providing some of life’s essential items, as well as reminding them that they are not alone. Each week during Lent we will collect a different item for the kits. Each Personal Care Kit consists of a bath towel, 2-3 bars of soap, and a toothbrush, comb and nail clipper. All items should be new. LWR also adds toothpaste when the kits are given to those in need at the destination site. Please put all items in the marked bin in the narthex. After Easter, the 6th grade Sunday School class will be assembling the kits and preparing them for delivery.

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Lent Special Collection - Week #3 (Toothbrush)
to Mar 20

Lent Special Collection - Week #3 (Toothbrush)

  • Google Calendar ICS

Third Week in Lent (March 15-22)
One adult sized toothbrush in original packaging

As part of our Lenten journey this year, we will be collecting items to assemble Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We will be helping to provide basic hygiene items to people throughout the world who are afflicted by war, displacement, poverty and natural disasters. This is a simple, but important way to share God’s grace and love by providing some of life’s essential items, as well as reminding them that they are not alone. Each week during Lent we will collect a different item for the kits. Each Personal Care Kit consists of a bath towel, 2-3 bars of soap, and a toothbrush, comb and nail clipper. All items should be new. LWR also adds toothpaste when the kits are given to those in need at the destination site. Please put all items in the marked bin in the narthex. After Easter, the 6th grade Sunday School class will be assembling the kits and preparing them for delivery.

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Lent Special Collection - Week #2 (Bath Soap)
to Mar 14

Lent Special Collection - Week #2 (Bath Soap)

Second Week in Lent (March 7-14)
Two or three bars of bath soap (8-9 oz. total), in original wrapping

Link to Amazon Wish List

As part of our Lenten journey this year, we will be collecting items to assemble Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We will be helping to provide basic hygiene items to people throughout the world who are afflicted by war, displacement, poverty and natural disasters. This is a simple, but important way to share God’s grace and love by providing some of life’s essential items, as well as reminding them that they are not alone. Each week during Lent we will collect a different item for the kits. Each Personal Care Kit consists of a bath towel, 2-3 bars of soap, and a toothbrush, comb and nail clipper. All items should be new. LWR also adds toothpaste when the kits are given to those in need at the destination site.

Please put all items in the marked bin in the narthex. After Easter, the 6th grade Sunday School class will be assembling the kits and preparing them for delivery.

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Lent Special Collection - Week #1 (Towels)
to Mar 6

Lent Special Collection - Week #1 (Towels)

First Week in Lent (Feb. 29-March 6)
One light-weight bath towel, dark color recommended, size between 20”x40” and 27”x52”

Link to Amazon Wish List

As part of our Lenten journey this year, we will be collecting items to assemble Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We will be helping to provide basic hygiene items to people throughout the world who are afflicted by war, displacement, poverty and natural disasters. This is a simple, but important way to share God’s grace and love by providing some of life’s essential items, as well as reminding them that they are not alone. Each week during Lent we will collect a different item for the kits. Each Personal Care Kit consists of a bath towel, 2-3 bars of soap, and a toothbrush, comb and nail clipper. All items should be new. LWR also adds toothpaste when the kits are given to those in need at the destination site.

Please put all items in the marked bin in the narthex. After Easter, the 6th grade Sunday School class will be assembling the kits and preparing them for delivery.

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ECHO Collection
to Feb 23

ECHO Collection

  • Google Calendar ICS

February is our month to stock the ECHO food pantry. Our goal is 3,000 pounds of non-perishable food and detergent. We are hoping to provide enough laundry detergent to see ECHO through 2020. As of February 19, we had collected 2,235 lbs. Items can be brought through the end of the month.

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to Dec 8

Holiday Gift & Winter Coat Collection for ECHO

We are collecting new, unwrapped Christmas gifts for the children and teens that ECHO serves. They set up a Christmas shop that allows parents to shop for their children. Gifts can be dropped off at Abiding Presence under the tree in the narthex.

We are also collecting winter coats (children and adult sizes) that are new or in excellent condition for ECHO. Donations can be placed in the ECHO box in the narthex and will help keep those in our community warm this winter season. 

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Prescription Eyeglass Collection
to Nov 13

Prescription Eyeglass Collection

Abiding Presence is collecting old prescription eyeglasses through November 13 for the Lions Club vision project. Since 1925 the Lions Club has collected and sent usable prescription glasses to people throughout the world who are sight impaired, but are unable to afford eyeglasses and/or have no access to regular vision care. Please bring in your old glasses and put them in the designated collection bin located above the coat rack in the entrance. Glasses can be dropped off anytime the church is open.

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