Filtering by: Fun

Wednesday Night Hot Dogs & S'mores
6:00 PM18:00

Wednesday Night Hot Dogs & S'mores

Join us for Wednesday Night Hot Dog and S'mores. 6:00 p.m. on the patio. This is a fun event for the whole family! Roast hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire pit and enjoy fellowship with other adults and families. Everyone is welcome to come and all food and fixing's will be provided. There will also be bubbles and chalk for the kids, and the playground is always open for parents to take their kids to after dinner. In the event of rain, the decision will be made on the morning of as to whether it will be cancelled or not. There will be a freewill offering basket, with a suggested donation of $4/person or $10/family.

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Parents' Night Out
4:30 PM16:30

Parents' Night Out

Join us for a PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT on Sunday, March 24!! Drop off your kids and have a care free night on the town! The kids will have a night of adventure, full of movies, crafts, games, and fun at the High Adventure themed parents night out. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited, so sign below!

This is for children ages 3 (and potty trained) through age 12.

Drop-off is from 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., and pickup is between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Suggested Price: $20 dollars for the 1st child, $10 for each additional child. Payment can be given at dropoff, and additional donations gladly accepted!

A cheese Pizza dinner and popcorn snack will be provided!

**Hosted by the Senior High Youth  (and supervised by their parents) as a fundraiser for their summer work trip.


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Annual Sunday School Games
10:00 AM10:00

Annual Sunday School Games

It is our tradition at Abiding Presence that at the end of the Sunday School year, the 5th/6th grade class takes on the Senior High youth with help from confirmation classes in an end-of-year game! All senior high, confirmation, and 5th/6th grade youth are invited to dress appropriately to play in this game in Bailey Hall. There will be some sort of snack afterwards. No need to RSVP, just show up between services (and hopefully attend a service as well!)

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